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Contact our Support Office::

We all know how important it is to socialise with our friends, take part in leisure activities, and just have fun. Unfortunately, for many people with disabilities and/or additonal needs these opportunities can be limited, leading to isolation and lonliness. For parents/carers too, this can be exhausting as they do not get time away from their caring responsibilities.


We offer a range of clubs, activities, day trips and social events throughout the year, each fully supported by our friendly and enthusiastic team. The focus of all our sessions is to enable the people that attend to have fun, develop friendships, and build their social skills.


Our Choices service offers a wide range of opportunities and activities for people to get involved in and we're always looking for new things to try. We offer regular sessions including a popular Saturday Club and Holiday Clubs for children and young people, and social and activity groups for adults, as well as one off sessions such as day trips and seasonal events.


Whilst not all activities are suitable for everyone, we do strive to ensure that we can offer as much variety and choice as possible, including options for those with more complex needs and specialist requirements.

Choices - Social & Leisure Opportunities

If you you'd like to discuss any of our services, please contact our friendly Support Office team.

Adult Crafts
Friends Group
Blue Line

Engage Norfolk Limited - Company No. 08023540 - Registered in England & Wales

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